The Legacy of the BoBs

Between the years of 2002 and 2005, a band of ten brothers, dubbed the Band of Brothers (BoBs) reigned over their educational institute. They made their lives (and destroyed others) there for four years, during which they had the best moments of their lives. Their fun was legendary, which the world will never see again.

Until now.

The world must know our story. Thus we present you with this unique compilation of recollections as a memento of our reign. For your envy. For our pleasure. For history.

The revealer of the truth, is a lie!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

LMan and GentleDies!

The Band Of how did it all began?

No, seriously! This was the original plot.

B.O.B : Harkeamm's version. (Endorsed by Shairizan)(Assumed to be agreed by O'MARy).

So it was my first day of school. Shit i doubt i knew anyone there. It was wierd. CSS wasnt my first choice. However something tells me this place was more than it seems to be. A place hidden with many treasures that unless you were real good, you wouldnt find them (well no one really found them 4 yrs later...ANYWAY!).As i walked past the office, i heard a voice calling my name..."hey You! I know you!"...I turned and gave barely a wave and a smile cuz i didnt really had a good idea who he was; the guy in the Pioneer Primary School Uniform. So i walked on and went through my day. Though in fact, first guy id ever talk in a good conversation @ day 1 was timothy NONIS but we werent in the same class.

What i came to meet when Mdm Aishah announced the class allocation.... It was these two guys who we just cliqued since the first time we chat. Well, it was actually cuz most of the rest were chinese. So one was this guy in navy blue and white who was half the size of the 2nd person. Oh yea, that 2nd person was the guy who said hi to me early in the morning.

Guy in navy blue and white, "Hi guys, im Omar Faruq".

Guy in a yellowish uniform, "Oh... Im Shairazi."

Me and the other guy was like..."Shha..what?"

He replied "Shai....Razi.."

Me "Oh ok..hahah... Im Hakim.."

*10 mins later*

Me, "Eh dude, whats ur name uh? Sha...what?"

Sha...what replied , "Ok Nvm...just call me shai, people call me that too."


The three of us became buddies for the next three days. I remember Omar having a crush on a girl and shai kinda helped to get them together during the first week of school? lol. We guys used to sit on a round table close to the PE room for recess. As the camp started, came another guy who i must say looked beyond the norm. With Dark blue pants and specs with lenses thick enough to see a germ; came 'Farhan'.... Somehow we didnt really chat much with him only afte 3-4 weeks after school reopens.

So THERE WAS THAT CLASS SHUFFLE THAT GOT PART OF OUR FIRST CLASS TO SPLIT UP....2/2 and 2/3 had to rojak... So some new friends were missed but...amongst it call came Husnah(as labelled by Mr Selamat Omar...) ok ok...its Husni. Being new to us 3, he slowly got close to us and turned 3 to 4.

As times go buy new people began to hang out with us. Alvin was brought in by Omar. Badron, Muzzy, Poocha joined us at different times of the year. Saw was brought in for a while through 'a selection process' which i really feel is DUMB, Nonsensical and i pity the guy. BUt he was one of the SUPER HYPER pals we had around; come to think of it... i kinda miss having saw around. Oh well....

So you ask...WHy BOb?

My friends @ my yoyoing meeting were calling each other BOB cuz we had no idea of each other's name. I kinda picked up the habit and called the guys bobs back in school. Later on, Shai put some REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY hard 'thing-king' and turned BOBs to some acronym which meant, 'Band Of BrotherS'.

As a wise man once said, "Happy TImes!~"...ok ok that was qouted from Borat himself.
I must say these guys made my SEc sch life super colourful. "There were the good times and the shit times" (Borat again). Id say sec 2 was the most craziest year we had. Locking toilet doors from lvl 1-6 during April Fool's day, CME class actings, Soccer by the poles outside of class 2/3, Night out during our Jnr's Orientation camps, Lan Gaming Sessions, Friday Prayers, Pushed for copying work...well there were loads...

Im just thankful.

Guys, i nearly cried during my prom night cuz i felt really sad that i couldnt graduate with you guys. A girl was singing a song entitled , "Remember me this way" and i qoute, "Every now and then, we'll find a special who never lets us down." I hold strongly to the great memories of the Band Of Brothers.

"I know you cant stay, but a part of you will never ever go away." As we guys lead our own lives now after CSS, even great friendships end. But we're not just friends anymore. We're labelled as brother's for a reason. That means "water that is chopped will never snap." (Air dicincang tidak akan putus)... lol...


So theres my version of the formation of this clan of ours. The truth is that, there are many as 10 versions to this story cuz each of us has our own way of telling ours and the beauty of it all is all of us came from different backgrounds and experiences.

"Its the band where many beginnings meet, and never ends." Nur Hakim Azmi.

The legacy was scribed at 9:06 am
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Row call_____________________
Dashbo - The Revealer of truth
Mobs - The Stickly himbo
Gusog - The Violent angst
Rich - The Shameless blob
Kimmy - The Failed philosopher

Altho - The Lameass
Poocha - The Dirty plushie
Zombie - The Zombie
Muzzy - The Tamile summoner

The Singh - The Singh


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